Benefits of the Asana (posture) Practice

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) warms up all the muscle groups in the body, including the throat, wrists, hands and feet preparing us for the practice which follows. It's also cardio-vascular, improving the blood flow around the body and detoxing by pumping away CO2 and accumulated waste.

We flow through the sequence with grace: one breath, one movement
Standing Postures give vitality and weightbearing helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Our feet are firmly grounded on the earth, our legs provide strength and stability as we stretch our torsos and upper bodies.
Virabhadrasana (warrior poses) strengthen the lower body and legs and expand and open the chest. Like warriors they are stong and dynamic and with practice build inner strength and confidence.
Standing forward bends strengthen the hamstrings and increase blood supply and flow of energy to the head and upper body.

Breathe deeply and release your inner warrior!

Balance Postures
Standing balance postures give a feeling of focus. Deep, steady breathing is essential when practicing balances, bringing our breath, body and mind together, working to achieve stillness. Postures such as vrksasana (tree pose) and garudasana (eagle pose) strengthen the thighs, calves, ankles and spine and open the chest and shoulders.

In arm balances We defy gravity and feel the magic of flight - if only for a breath or two!
Seated Postures are calming.
A good sitting posture stills the body, strengthens the spine and opens the chest for deep abdominal breathing which calms the mind.
Seated forward bends are reflective. They stretch the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and groin and the forward movement stimulates the liver and kidneys.

As our focus turns inwards we find quiet and calm

Twists keep the spine mobile and aid detox.
When we twist the left and right side of the body are alternately compressed then stretched, wringing out muscles and organs and then flushing them through with a rich supply of fresh oxygenated blood. The whole digestive system benefits.

Flexible spine, flexible mind!
Backbends are exhilarating.
Prone backbends (lying on the belly) strengthen the back, shoulders, arms and legs, open the chest and increase lung capacity.
Upfacing backbends open the front of the body encouraging full use of the lungs and strengthen the arms and legs.

After backbending balasana (child's pose) gently releases the spine and stretches hips, thighs and ankles and quietens the mind
Inverted Postures give great concentration.
Inversions reverse the effects of gravity on the body, improving blood supply to the head and upper body, increasing blood flow from the legs and lower body and clearing accumulated toxins.
Sirsasana (headstand) strengthens the arms, legs, spine and abdomen.
Sarvangasana (literal translation "all parts pose" or shoulderstand) stimulates the lymphatic and endocrine systems and calms the brain.
Viparita Karini is a supported inversion suitable for all. It is restorative and offers the benefits of inversions to those unable to practice the full postures.

We turn our world upside down to find a new persective
Savasana (Relaxation) Lying on the back in savasana (corpse pose) is wonderful for the feeling of surrender. Relaxation at the end of class enables the body to relax, recover and assimilate the benefits of the practice. It gives a final opportunity to focus on the breath and re-establish or reinforce the body, mind, breath connection.

"in this asana tiredness caused by other asanas is eliminated; it also promotes calmness of mind" (Hatha Yoga Pradipika)

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Benefits of the Asanas
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Warms up all the muscle groups in the body preparing for the practice. It's cardio-vascular, improving the blood flow around the body and detoxing by pumping away CO2 and accumulated waste.
Standing Postures Build vitality.
Weightbearing helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Our feet are firmly grounded, our legs are strong. Virabhadrasana (warrior) poses build inner strength and confidence.
Standing forward bends lengthen the hamstrings and increase blood supply and flow of energy to the head and upper body.
Balance Postures Build focus
Standing balance postures develop muscular strenth and co-ordination.
When practicing arm balances we defy gravity and feel the magic of flight - if only for a breath or two!
Seated Postures
Are calming. A good sitting posture stills the body, strengthens the spine and opens the chest for deep abdominal breathing which calms the mind.
Seated forward bends are reflective. They stretch the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and groin and the forward movement stimulates the liver and kidneys.
Help keep the spine mobile and aid detox.
Backbends Are exhilarating.
Prone backbends (lying on the belly) strengthen the back, shoulders, arms and legs, open the chest and increase lung capacity.
Upfacing backbends open the front of the body encouraging full use of the lungs and strengthen the arms and legs.
Inverted Postures Develop concentration.
Inversions reverse the effects of gravity on the body, improving blood supply to the head and upper body, increasing blood flow from the legs and lower body and clearing accumulated toxins.
Savasana (Relaxation)
Lying on the back in savasana (corpse pose) is wonderful for the feeling of surrender. Relaxation at the end of class enables the body to relax, recover and assimilate the benefits of the practice. It gives a final opportunity to focus on the breath and re-establish or reinforce the body, mind, breath connection.